New Delhi: The bodies of two children, aged seven and eight, were found in a wooden box at a factory in Delhi's Jamia Nagar. They had been missing since yesterday. According to the preliminary findings, there appeared to be no injury to the bodies. Police said the children might have accidentally locked themselves in the box and died of suffocation.

"A call was received at PS Jamia Nagar regarding the discovery of bodies of two children at house No F2 Joga Bai extension. Two children's bodies found in an old wooden box. The deceased used to live in this house with their parents. Their father Balbir worked as a guard at the factory," police said.

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"Local inquiry revealed that the deceased had lunch at 3 pm with their parents and went missing around 3.30 pm. The parents and other children started to search for them and later found them in the box. The crime team has confirmed that there is no injury on the bodies and this seems to be a case of accidental asphyxia," the police statement said. However, an inquiry has been initiated in the case.

Earlier last week, a 12-year-old boy was found dead at his home in the neighbouring Haryana's Faridabad. Police said the boy's parents were daily wage earners who would go to work, leaving him with their 15-year-old daughter.

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On May 30, when the parents returned in the evening, they found him unconscious. The boy was rushed to a hospital, where he was declared 'brought dead'. An examination revealed strangulation marks around the boy's neck. The police then registered a case of murder against unknown persons.