Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party chief Virendra Sachdeva and MP Manoj Tiwari on Monday visited the Yamuna river in the national capital to assess the situation of pollution in the river. Speaking to the reporters at the Kalindi Kunj river bank, Sachdeva and Tiwari targeted Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for the high level of toxins in the river.
Sachdeva trained guns on Kejriwal saying he killed the river, adding how will the devotees take a dip in the river during Chhath Puja.
"Arvind Kejriwal has actually killed Yamuna...this water is in such a situation that if somebody put their hands in this, they will fall sick...during Chhath puja, what will happen to those who take dip in this water? There should be a criminal case against Arvind Kejriwal,” said Sachdeva.
Lok Sabha MP from North East Delhi Manoj Tiwari urged the Supreme Court to take cognisance of the matter.
“Today, on 16 October 2023, I visited Kalindi Kunj Yamuna river bank with Delhi BJP chief Virendraa Sachdeva and inspected the river. Arvind Kejriwal is serving poison to Delhi. Honourable Supreme Court should take cognisance,” he said in a post on X in Hindi.
"The biggest thing is that cows also drink water from here. It will not only affect cows, but will also affect the people who drink the milk of these cows. This is an example of why the life expectancy of people in Delhi is so low," he added.
He also posted a video where he could be seen riding in a boat over the frothy Yamuna with Sachdeva assessing the situation of pollution in the river.
The Delhi BJP chief redirected the subject of Yamuna river pollution to the issue of people from Purvanchal — who majorly observe the festival of Chhath Puja — living in Delhi. “The festival of Chhath is approaching in a few days and such a condition of Yamuna is a direct proof of Arvind Kejriwal's anti-Purvanchal thinking. It is saddening to see the plight of Mother Yamuna,” he posted on X.