Arvind Kejriwal, the Chief Minister of Delhi, known for his anti-corruption stance, appeared before a court on Friday where the Enforcement Directorate (ED) accused him of being a key conspirator in the liquor scam case. The ED sought his 10-day custody, alleging that he received kickbacks amounting to crores of rupees, news agency PTI reported. According to the ED, Kejriwal received kickbacks from the 'South group' for formulating and implementing the Delhi Excise Policy 2021-22.

"Sh Arvind Kejriwal, Chief Minister of NCT of Delhi is the kingpin and key conspirator of the Delhi Excise Scam in collusion with Ministers of Delhi Govt, AAP leaders and other persons. Sh Arvind Kejriwal was involved in the conspiracy of formulation of the Excise policy 2021-22 to favour certain persons and also involved in the demanding kickbacks from liquor businessmenin exchange of favours granting in the said policy," the ED's remand note stated.

Arvind Kejriwal Directly Involved In Use Of Proceeds Of Crime In AAP's Goa Election Campaign: ED To Court

Additional Solicitor General (ASG) SV Raju, representing the ED, stated in court that Kejriwal demanded Rs 100 crore from some accused from the 'South group' for election campaigning. Raju claimed that the money trail revealed Rs 45 crore kickback used in the Goa assembly elections came from four hawala routes, with corroborating evidence from statements of accused and witnesses supported by Call Detail Records (CDR).

"As per the investigation done so far, the proceeds of crime of about Rs. 45 Cr approx. which was part of the bribes received from the South Group was used in the election campaign of the AAP in Goa in 2021-22," the remand note mentioned.

"We have given an application for 10 days' remand," ASG Raju informed the court, alleging that the AAP is not an individual but a company, and every person responsible for the conduct of the company will be held responsible, as per the report. The agency accused Kejriwal of being culpable in the case not only as an individual but also vicariously responsible for the actions of his associates.

"The AAP is a political party comprising of association of individuals registered under Section 29-A of Representation of People Act 1951. Under Section 29-A of Representation of People Act 1951, only any association or body of individual citizens of India can make an application for registrationas a political party and
since AAP is an association of such individuals it got itself registered under the Representation of People Act 1951, more particularly u/s 29-A. As per the definition under section 2(f) of the Representation of People Act 1951, "political party" is defined as association or a body of individual citizens of India registered with the Election Commission as a political party under section 29A. Since AAP is also an association of individuals, it would fall within the definition of "company" as contemplated in u/s 70 of PMLA, 2002," the remand note stated.

Kejriwal was produced before the special ED court after withdrawing his plea against arrest from the Supreme Court. The move followed the Supreme Court's refusal to grant bail to BRS leader K Kavitha, also arrested in the same case.

ALSO READ | ‘My Life Is Dedicated To Country Whether I Am…’: Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal After Court Appearance

Delhi Ministers Atishi And Saurabh Bharadwaj Detained As AAP Protests

Protests erupted in Delhi over Kejriwal's arrest, with hundreds of AAP workers and supporters taking to the streets.

During the protests, key ministers Atishi and Saurabh Bharadwaj, were detained after refusing to disperse from ITO intersection, near the AAP and BJP offices, violating section 144.

The ED also alleged that the party's communication in-charge Vijay Nair functioned as Kejriwal's link to the south cartel, providing kickbacks to Delhi's ruling party for favours in liquor licenses, allegedly used in the Goa assembly elections and for AAP candidates, PTI reported.