After the Delhi High Court issued scathing remarks towards Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) for failing to supply notebooks to school students, several reactions poured into the political circle on Saturday. While the Bharatiya Janata Party has demanded Delhi CM's resignation, Advocate Ashok Aggarwal, representing the petitioner, criticised the Delhi government and MCD citing ‘dismal conditions’ in schools. 

“The Delhi government deserved to be lashed out. The advertisements conducted by them show that they run world-class institutions, however, the reality is entirely different. I have seen several schools of the Delhi government and of MCD; I saw 140 students in one class in as three sections sitting together in one water facility and the same condition I witnessed in MCD schools as well,” he told ANI. 

“The issue is that 8 lakh students study at MCD, under the Right to Education Act, students are entitled to receive textbooks, notebooks, writing materials and uniforms. Out of 8 lakh, not even a single student has received any of it. Similarly, 10 lakh students from standard 1 to 8 who come under the Right to Education Act, are under the Delhi government. They have now received notebooks after the High Court lambasted them (Delhi govt & MCD), however, none of the students have got books,” he added. 

Responding to the High Court’s remarks, BJP leader Majinder Singh Sirsa accused Kerjiwal of prioritising personal interests over national interests. He asserted, “Arvind Kejriwal is greedy for power. He is concerned more about his personal interests than the national interest. These are not my words. Delhi High Court has remarked this when they said that Delhi's education model is a failure.”

“Arvind Kejriwal wants to stay as CM and enjoy the power despite being in jail...  Arvind Kejriwal, if you have a bit of shame, then you should resign after this comment of the Delhi High Court,” he added. 

Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva demanded Kejriwal’s resignation from the CM post in light of the court’s remarks. “If any government employee is caught on any charge, his resignation is taken within 48 hours. Arvind Kejriwal, you are the Chief Minister who runs the government. Shame on you! You should have resigned by now, but the attachment to the chair and the bungalow you built with public money is not allowing you to leave this post,” he said. 

Earlier on Friday, the Delhi High Court chastised the Kejriwal-led government for placing political interests above the welfare of the students.

READ | Arvind Kejriwal As CM Even After Arrest Puts Political Interest Over National Interest: Delhi High Court