Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal remembered his jailed former deputy Manish Sisodia as he turned 55 on Wednesday. Thanking people who wished him on his birthday, the 55-year-old Aam Aadmi Party national convenor said he missed Sisodia and took a pledge to provide “best quality education” to every child in the country. “That will also make Manish happy,” said Kejriwal in a post on X, formerly Twitter. “Today is my birthday. Many people are sending their wishes. Thank you so much,” he wrote. 

“But I miss Manish. He is in jail in a false case. Let's all take a pledge today - that we will do everything within our means to provide the best quality education to every child born in India,” he added. 

“That will lay the foundation for a strong India. That will help in realising our dream of making India no 1. That will also make Manish happy,” said the Delhi CM. 

Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena wished Kejriwal on his birthday and prayed for his long life. 

"Heartiest birthday wishes to Chief Minister Shri @ArvindKejriwal ji. I pray to God for your long and healthy life," he posted on social media site X. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also sent his birthday wishes. “Birthday wishes to Delhi CM Shri @ArvindKejriwal Ji. Praying for his long life and good health,” said Modi in a post on X. 

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Kejriwal’s counterpart in Punjab Bhagwant Man called Kejriwal “the common man who gave birth to a new political revolution in the country and took the voice of the common man to the corridors of power” as he wished him on his birthday. 

Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee, Jharkhand CM Hemnat Soren, Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Priyanka Chaturvedi, Congress leader Sachin Pilot, Bihar Deputy CM Tejashwi Yadav and others leaders across the political spectrum wished Kejriwal on his birthday.