Delhi Liquor Policy Case: The Bharatiya Janata Party on Friday slammed Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party national convenor Arvind Kejriwal ahead of his appearance before the Enforcement Directorate today in connection with the alleged Delhi Liquor policy case. BJP National Spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla has said that if there is nothing to hide, then why is he not presenting himself before the ED and other agencies. He also took a dig at the I.N.D.I.A bloc saying that the only thing that binds the opposition bloc is commission and corruption, not a mission or vision. 

Continuing his attack on the AAP leader, Poonawalla said, "You say that these are all politically motivated, as if doing bhrashtachar is your shishtachar (doing corruption is your etiquette).

"Arvind Kejriwal, if there is nothing to hide...then why are you not presenting yourself before the ED and other agencies? You are the same Kejriwal who, under Anna Hazare's tutelage, said that first there should be resignation and then investigation. Today you refuse to cooperate with investigation. You say that these are all politically motivated, as if doing 'bhrashtachar' is your 'shishtachar'...How long will you play this victimhood card?...This is the 'charitra' of INDI alliance, that the only thing that binds them is commission and corruption, not a mission or vision," Poonawala said.

On Friday, security was stepped-up in Central Delhi with the deployment of additional personnel in view of demonstrations by the AAP and the BJP, police said, as reported by news agency PTI.

ALSO READ: Arvind Kejriwal To Skip ED's 5th 'Unlawful' Summon In Delhi Liquor Scam Probe, Says AAP