Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai said on Monday said that the Arvind Kejriwal-led government in the national capital has decided to reimpose the ban on the manufacturing, sale, storage and use of all kinds of firecrackers in the city as part of an action plan to reduce pollution levels in winter, . Addressing a press conference, he said the Delhi Police will be issued strict directions to implement the ban in the city.
The Delhi government has been following the practice of banning all kinds of firecrackers for the last three years. "We have seen a considerable improvement in Delhi's air quality in the last five-six years but we have to improve it further. Therefore, we have decided to ban firecrackers this year too," Rai said, as quoted by PTI.
Last year, the government had announced that bursting firecrackers on Diwali in the city would attract a jail term up to six months and a fine of Rs 200. It had said production, storage and sale of firecrackers in Delhi would be punishable with a fine of up to Rs 5,000 and three years in jail under Section 9B of the Explosives Act.
Speaking to ANI on the firecracker ban, Rai said that as important as it is to celebrate a festival, it is equally important to look after the environment.
"CM Arvind Kejriwal has decided that firecrackers should be banned on the occasion of Diwali to control pollution. Manufacturing, storage, sale, online delivery and bursting of any type of firecrackers is completely prohibited in Delhi. Police have been directed to issue a circular on behalf of the DPCC (Delhi Pollution Control Committee) that no licence is issued... As important as it is to celebrate a festival, it is equally important to look after the environment... That is why we have been taking this decision in Delhi for the last 2 years and the people of Delhi are supportive," Rail told ANI.