New Delhi: Residents in Delhi woke up to another chilly morning as the mercury dipped to 1.8 degrees Celsius on Friday. People were seen lighting bonfires to get some relief from the spine-chilling winter that has engulfed the entire Delhi-NCR.

The cold is however proving to be a serious problem for the homeless people in the national capital. Delhi Urban Shelter Board is opening shelter homes for these people so that they can bear the prevailing cold conditions in the city. 

Talking to the news agency ANI, Vipin Rai, a Member of the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board said, "We have 197 permanent shelter homes. During winter, we put up almost 250 tents in Delhi. Now, we've 190 functional tents & 50 are in standby mode. Apart from mattresses and blankets, we also provide 3 meals a day to occupants."

According to the IMD, the minimum temperature in Delhi will continue to remain below 10 degrees Celcius for the next five days while the maximum temperature will hover between 17-20 degrees Celsius. The weather department has also predicted cold wave conditions on Friday.

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