New Delhi: On the eve of the consecration ceremony at Ram Mandir, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said the AAP government in Delhi is inspired by the concept of 'Ram Rajya' and draws motivation from it in providing various facilities to the people of the national capital, news agency PTI reported.

Kejriwal made the remarks at the three-day Ramlila event being organised by the Delhi government's Art, Culture and Languages department. The event, which began on Saturday, will conclude with Monday's consecration ceremony at the Ram temple in Ayodhya.

While addressing the event, Kejriwal said, "Many people will not be able to go there (Ayodhya) on Monday even if they want to. I am very happy that the city government has organised a grand Ramlila for the people of Delhi. On this occasion, when we are worshipping Lord Shri Ram, we need to take inspiration from his life, thoughts and words. We must take inspiration from Lord Ram", he said.

Speaking at length about the values of Lord Ram, Kejriwal said, "Lord Ram was the ruler of Ayodhya, his rule is considered ideal. We are trying to run our government in Delhi by taking inspiration from the concept of 'Ram Rajya'."

"Delhi government has decided that no one should sleep hungry in the city and that everyone should get proper ration.If someone is poor, then he is given free ration. We have made night shelters for the homeless where they can stay. Food is also provided for free at these shelters",  PTI quoted the CM as saying.

CM Kejriwal also referred to a slew of welfare schemes run by Delhi government. According to PTI, Delhi CM said, "We have decided that every child should get a good education, whether he is poor or rich. We have decided that every person, be it poor or rich, should get quality treatment, free treatment. We have decided that electricity should be available to every person."

He added, "All the elderly people in Delhi wish to visit a place of pilgrimage at least once in their lifetimes. While many people are unable to go on pilgrimages due to various reasons, the Delhi government enables the elderly to go on a free pilgrimage." 

Many steps have been taken to ensure the safety of the people, including women. The government tries to provide security to everyone, he added.

The Delhi government believes in equality for all, irrespective of their caste, creed, religion or financial status, Kejriwal claimed. "Let everyone live with love. So, we are trying to follow the concept of 'Ram Rajya'. 'Ram Rajya' is a big thing, we are very small but, in a way, it is a source of inspiration for us," Kejriwal said.