Significant restructuring has taken place in the Arvind Kejriwal-led government in Delhi, with Atishi being entrusted with the Services and Vigilance departments on Tuesday. The move by the AAP comes just a day after the Delhi Services Bill was cleared in the Rajya Sabha. Previously, Saurabh Bhardwaj held responsibility for both of these crucial portfolios. The decision from the Chief Minister's office has been forwarded to Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena for further approval.

Notably, Atishi had already taken on additional responsibilities in June, concurrently managing the revenue, planning, and finance departments. This strategic alteration was set in motion following the approval of a cabinet restructuring proposal by Lieutenant Governor Saxena.

Prior to this reshuffling, the responsibility for the revenue, planning, and finance departments was vested in Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot.

Atishi, the solitary woman minister in the Delhi Cabinet, now shoulders a total of 14 portfolios.

Delhi Services Bill Clears Rajya Sabha Hurdle

The passage of the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Bill, 2023, in the Rajya Sabha on Monday has affirmed the Centre's paramountcy over the governance of the city government's bureaucracy. The bill secured approval in the Upper House of Parliament with 131 votes in favour and 102 against.

Union Home Minister Amit Shah introduced the contentious bill in the House, emphasizing its aim to establish efficient and corruption-free governance in the national capital. Last week, the Lok Sabha ratified the bill, supplanting an earlier ordinance issued by the Centre to address the transfers and postings of officials within the Delhi government.

Nonetheless, the resolution remains in limbo as the Supreme Court, last month, convened a constitution bench to scrutinize the Parliament's authority over Delhi's administration, a verdict yet to be rendered.

Shortly after the bill's passage, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal decried it as a "black day" for India's democracy, attributing ulterior motives to the BJP-ruled Centre for attempting to seize power through indirect means.

Central to the power struggle between the Centre and the Lieutenant Governor on one side, and the elected AAP dispensation in Delhi on the other, is a home ministry notification released on May 21, 2015. This notification vested the Lt Governor with jurisdiction over "services" matters pertaining to the transfer and appointment of bureaucrats in the Delhi government.

The notification also allowed the Lt Governor discretionary consultation with the chief minister on service-related issues.

Challenged by the AAP government in the high court, this notification surfaced approximately two months after Kejriwal's inauguration as the chief minister of Delhi on February 14, 2015.

In the eight ensuing years, a protracted conflict persisted between the Lt Governor's office and Kejriwal's AAP government on numerous fronts.