Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Monday that it is nothing short of a "miracle" that the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has received national party status in such a short period of time. Earlier, the election commission had granted recognition to the party. Kejriwal credited people for the recognition and sought blessings from God to enable his party fulfil their expectations.

He tweeted in Hindi shortly after the Election Commission's announcement, "National party in such a short time? This is nothing less than a miracle. Many congratulations to all." "Crores of people of the country have brought us here. People expect a lot from us. Today people have given us a huge responsibility," he added. 

Delhi minister Saurabh Bharadwaj also expressed his delight at the news, saying that it is a significant step for the party. "People are with us," he said, expressing gratitude for their support. "We want God to give Arvind Kejriwal the strength to keep on moving forward," he added further. 

AAP MP Raghav Chadha said that the party is India's fastest-growing political startup. "Today AAP has been given the status of a national party. I would like to congratulate all AAP volunteers who worked tirelessly to take the party to this milestone. I salute Arvind Kejriwal's leadership," he was quoted as saying by ANI. 

The Aam Aadmi Party, founded in November 2012, has achieved national party status in less than ten years. The party currently governs in Delhi and Punjab.

ALSO READ: Election Commission Recognises AAP As National Party, Setback For NCP, CPI And TMC