In a shocking incident, a 19-year-old woman security guard died in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad after she was allegedly raped by her supervisor, reported news agency PTI citing police. They said that the accused, identified as 32-year-old Ajay, has been arrested. According to police, the incident happened on Sunday and the victim was admitted to Safdarjung Hospital in Delhi by her co-workers after her health condition started deteriorating. She died on Monday morning.
A senior police officer told PTI that the woman belonged to Jharkhand and was living with her aunt in the close vicinity of the housing society where she worked. However, her family has alleged that she was raped by three men in the basement of the society and thereafter consumed poison due to which she was admitted to the hospital, as per PTI. They also alleged inaction by police.
DCP (rural) Vivek Chand Yadav told PTI that an FIR under section of rape (376 IPC) has been registered as, he added, the woman was not gang-raped. Yadav further said that police have found footage from CCTV cameras installed inside the basement and no such incident of gang-rape was observed.
The DCP said the viscera of the victim has been sent to the forensic science laboratory to ascertain whether she died after consuming poison or due to her lung disease.
In another case, Delhi police arrested a senior Delhi government official last week who was booked for allegedly raping his deceased friend's minor daughter and causing her pregnancy. His wife was also arrested for allegedly giving the girl pregnancy termination medication. The official was suspended by the Delhi government after the case came forth.
Later, a Delhi court extended by 14 days the judicial custody of the suspended Delhi government officer Premoday Khakha, as reported by the news agency PTI. The judicial custody of Khakha's wife, Seema Rani, who is accused of giving the girl medicine to terminate her pregnancy, was also extended by 14 days.
The couple was produced before Additional Sessions Judge (POCSO) Richa Parihar. Counsel for the accused, Umashankar Gautam stated that both the accused will be now produced in court after the completion of their judicial custody on September 6.
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