On May 18, hours before Shraddha Walkar was allegedly killed by her live-in partner Aftab Amin Poonawala, she sent an Instagram message to one of her friends. A screenshot of the conversation has surfaced. 

"Dude, I've got news. I got super busy with something," Shraddha wrote to her friend, Karan, in her last message. 

“What the news?” Karan asked her at 6.29 pm on May 18. However, Shraddha didn't respond and went silent. On September 24, her friend messaged her again to inquire about her whereabouts and safety. He wrote, "Where the hell are you? Are you safe?"

The message was read but not responded to, indicating that Aftab was accessing Shraddha's Instagram account. 

In a gut-wrenching incident, on May 18 Shraddha was strangulated by her boyfriend Aftab. He then allegedly cut her corpse into 35 pieces with a saw and preserved them in a fridge for almost three weeks at their flat before disposing of them over several days. He was arrested by the police on November 14 and since then he is in police custody.

Police sources told ABP News that important clues have been found from the bathroom tiles of Aftab's flat in Delhi after a forensic team broke the tiles and found blood stains on them. The recovered tiles have been sent for DNA examination to ascertain whether those blood stains were of Walkar.

He will undergo a polygraph test today after a Delhi court gave permission to police even as more details of the sensational case continued to tumble out. After the polygraph test, police are likely to go for narco analysis, which was permitted by the court last week.

The duo, who met on the dating app Bumble, moved to Delhi from Mumbai earlier this year after their families objected to their relationship.