Kuldeep Jaghina, the prime accused in the murder of BJP leader Kirpal Singh, was gunned down in police custody by around a dozen assailants in Rajasthan’s Bharatpur. According to news agency PTI, the assailants barged into a government bus, by which Kuldeep Jaghina was being transported, near the Amoli toll plaza and shot him dead.

Jaghina, along with another murder accused Vijaypal, was being escorted by the police to a Bharatpur court for a trial. According to news website News18, the assailants threw chilli powder at the police and took advantage of the situation to open fire at the undertrials. The assailants have been identified from CCTV footage, the police were quoted as saying by PTI. The hospital where Jaghina's body was taken has been heavily guarded, with over 100 police officers deployed.

Police in the adjacent districts, including Dausa, have been put on high alert. The police are also conducting heightened checks on highways. According to additional commissioner of police (administration), Jaipur, Rahul Prakash the policemen managed to save Vijaypal in the attack. He also said the police did not shoot at the assailants as there were civilian passengers present on the bus. 

Last year, on September 4, gangster Kuldeep Jaghina, along with four others, allegedly killed BJP leader Kripal Singh. He was shot around 11 pm while returning home in his car. At approximately 10:45 pm, his car was surrounded by more than a dozen miscreants on motorcycles near Jaghina Gate. The attackers opened fire, resulting in Singh's instant death.

Singh, believed to be a trusted associate of BJP MP Ranjeeta Koli from Bharatpur, sustained seven gunshot wounds in the attack. According to the police, Singh was rushed to the RBM Hospital, where doctors pronounced him dead on arrival. Koli visited the hospital to inquire about Singh's condition. On September 11, the police apprehended gangster Kuldeep Jaghina and his accomplices in Kolhapur, Maharashtra, for the murder of Kripal Singh.

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