A three-year-old girl was allegedly raped by a man in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, when she was at his house to play on Sunday. Santosh Khuntia, 23, who fled after the incident came to light, was arrested within 24 hours, police said. 

According to an India Today report, Khuntia was under the influence of alcohol when he committed the crime, and there was no one else at his home at the time. Bhubaneswar Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Prateek Singh said the child was rescued by her family who began searching for her after she did not return home, India Today reported.

She was rushed to a nearby hospital in critical condition, but is said to be stable now. 

A report in The New Indian Express said the family of the victim lodged a complaint with Airfield police, based on which a case was registered.

A special police team reached the crime scene in the nearby Pipli area, and the accused was nabbed within 24 hours. The accused works as a driver and had allegedly threatened the mother of the victim as well. 

Police said they had gathered all the crucial evidence from the accused, and an investigation is underway. They also said that a medical examination had been conducted on the accused at the Capital Hospital before he was produced in court.

“An operation was subsequently launched and the accused was nabbed within 24 hours. Forensic team has seized all evidence and the survivor has been given immediate medical care. The medical examination of the accused has also been conducted,” Singh was quoted by Odisha TV. 

Singh told The New Indian Express that, while medical attention was given to the child, the police also counselled her family members.

Further investigation is underway, and efforts are being made to expedite compensation for the family. 

ALSO READ: Andhra Pradesh: Woman's Naked Body Found Near School, Police Suspect Rape