A murder in broad daylight on a Palghar street in Maharashtra has caused a huge sensation in the city as well as online. The murder was caught on video by a passerby and uploaded online. In the video, a man is seen bludgeoning a woman to death with a heavy spanner. According to ABP News, the victim was a 22-year-old woman named Aarti who lived in the Vasai area of Palghar in the Konkan subdivision of Maharashtra, which is around 100 km away from Mumbai. As Aarti left home for work around 8 am on Tuesday morning, the accused, identified as 29-year-ol Rohit Yadav, crept up behind her and hit her on the head.

This caused her to fall down on the road. A CCTV footage of the spot showed that she tried to get up but Rohit dealt a second blow, rendering her unconscious. Rohit, however, did not stop. He continued to bludgeon her. The video showed a passerby trying to stop him, but Rohit pushed the man away and continued to hit her.

Rohit hit Aarti at least 17 times with the spanner before slamming the weapon on the road near Aarti's corpse. 

According to an official from the MBVV police, Aarti had previously approached the Achole police in Palghar district on June 8, reporting that Rohit had threatened her and damaged her phone, news agency PTI reported. Despite this, she had requested the police not to be too harsh on him. The police registered a non-cognisable (NC) offence and warned Rohit not to trouble her further.

On Monday night, Rohit called Aarti but claimed it was a mistake and urged her not to report the call to the police. In custody, Rohit revealed that he had attempted suicide twice after suspecting Aarti of seeing someone else, PTI's report stated.

Why Did Rohit Kill Aarti?

According to The Indian Express, Rohit and Aarti were in a relationship for the past six years. However, of late, Rohit started suspecting her of being in a relationship with another man. Police suspect that Rohit killed her in his anger. Aarti's family said that Rohit had thrashed her and even threatened to murder her 10 days ago. Rohit, who hails from Haryana, is said to have been living in the same area as Aarti.

'Why Did You Do This To Me'

In the video taken by the passerby, Rohit is seen taking a pause and standing over the woman's body holding the spanner. He bends down to cradle her face and starts talking to the corpse. "Why did you do this to me," he screams repeatedly before hitting her again. He then slams the blood-stained spanner on the road and merges into the crowd.

Police have arrested Rohit and are investigating the case.