A Kanpur woman lodged a complaint with the police against her husband after he allegedly gave her triple talaq over a video call on finding out that she had shaped her eyebrows. The woman, Gulsaiba, married the accused, Salim, in January 2022. Salim is currently working in Saudi Arabia. According to an IANS report, in her statement to the police, Gulsaiba said that her in-laws started harassing her for dowry after her husband left for Saudi on August 30.

She said that her husband was “old fashioned” and had objections over her fashion choices. On October 4, her eyebrows infuriated Salim when he spotted the difference. As per the report, she said in her statement that Salim threatened her and said, "You went ahead and shaped your eyebrows despite my objections. From today, I free you from this marriage."

He then pronounced talaq three times and disconnected the call, after which he did not answer when she tried to reach out to him, Gulsaiba said.

Gulsaiba's complaint has led to the registration of an FIR against her husband, along with five other individuals, including her mother-in-law.

“I had been married for only a year. My husband, who had previously disrespected me, has now given me triple talaq. I want the police to take appropriate action against him," she added, according to IANS.

In August 2017, the Supreme Court finally declared ‘triple talaq’ as unconstitutional. The practice of Triple Talaq allowed a Muslim man to divorce his wife by uttering the word "talaq" three times, which was in violation of the fundamental rights of Muslim women and unconstitutional.

Consequently, a legal prohibition on Triple Talaq was established in India. The enactment of the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019 on July 30, 2019, marked the culmination of extensive debates and struggles. This act rendered Triple Talaq illegal in India starting from August 1, 2019.