The Delhi Police has arrested a 29-year-old man, his brother and their associate for hatching a conspiracy to frame their rival. The prime accused shot himself in the leg to frame his rival, said a police official on Sunday. The official while talking to news agency PTI said that the accused were identified as Waseem, his brother Fahim (32) and their associate Sahil (23). A country-made pistol was recovered from their possession. The official told PTI that a firing incident took place in the Kardampuri area. Following this Waseem was taken to the GTB Hospital by Fahim.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (northeast) Joy Tirkey said, “Police team reached the hospital and started an investigation into the matter. However, the victim didn’t give his statement. Accordingly, a case under sections 307/34 IPC and relevant provisions of the Arms Act, was registered.”

An investigation was launched into the matter during which the police learnt that the accused were trying to frame Bhura who was released from jail just a few days back, reported PTI. DCP Tirkey said, "We later questioned the brother of the victim, Fahim, and it was revealed that they wanted to set score with Bhura by implicating him in a false case. So, along with a friend, namely Sahil, hatched a conspiracy and searched for a place which is out of CCTV camera range."

The investigation revealed that around 9 pm on Thursday, all three accused caught hold of Bhura. Fahim allegedly gave Waseem a country-made pistol with which he shot himself in the left leg and returned the weapon back to Fahim. During this scuffle, Bhura freed himself and fled the scene.

The DCP said, "Later, they took injured Waseem to GTB Hospital and a made PCR call on the way. The country-made pistol loaded with one empty cartridge was recovered from the possession of accused Fahim."