New Delhi: The Delhi Police is considering to write to dating app, Bumble, requesting details of Aftab's profile to find details of the woman who visited her in the same flat where he stacked his live-in partner Shraddha Walker's chopped body parts in a refrigerator, reported news agency ANI. The Delhi Police sources told the news agency that they are looking at the possibility if any of these women could be a reason for the killings. 

Shraddha Walker, who was reported missing six months ago, was strangled and killed by her partner Aftab Poonawal. He later chopped her body into 35 pieces which he stored in a refrigerator and disposed the chopped parts in different parts of Delhi during midnight. 

As per a report by Indian Express, Aftab dated another woman through the same dating app through which he met Shraddha. He brought the woman, a psychologist, to his flat one to two times between June and July while his live-in partner’s chopped body was stacked in the refrigerator at the same place. 

The Delhi Police sources told news agency ANI that Aftab had used a mini saw to chop off her body parts adding that the weapon is yet to be recovered. The Delhi police also said that one common friend of Aftab Poonawala and Shraddha Walker who had intimated Shraddha’s father about her going incommunicado was also called for questioning.

Meanwhile, Shraddha’s father demanded a death penalty for the accused while also suspected a “love jihad” angle in the case. 

"I suspected a love jihad angle. We demand the death penalty for Aftab. I trust Delhi Police and the probe moving in the right direction. Shraddha was close to her uncle and didn't talk to me much. I was never in touch with Aftab. I lodged the first complaint in Mumbai's Vasai,” Shraddha’s father Vikas Walker told the news agency.