Ludhiana Police and Counter Intelligence Unit have apprehended five main accused out of the 10 accused in the planning of cash van robbery in Ludhiana, DGP Punjab Police Gaurav Yadav said on Wednesday. Yadav also said that the police along with Counter Intelligence has solved the case in less than 60 hours. Earlier, the Commissioner of Ludhiana police Mandeep Singh had informed that around 8-10, robbers looted Rs 7 crore cash from the chest centre of CMS securities in Punjab’s Ludhiana late at night around 1:30 am in New Rajguru Nagar. 

He said that the robbers locked both the security personnel and the rest of the staff in a room and also broke their mobile phones and put the cash in the van and fled. To save themselves, they disconnected the security sensors and took with them the DVR of the CCTV. 

Singh said that the entire case was kept on the floor instead of being locked in the chest when the robbers reached here. He said that this money is insured and police believe it is a case of negligence and there are chances that someone known could be involved. Singh added that the incident shows a big security lapse on the part of the company. 

The police said that they have found a cash van parked unattended at Mullapur Dakha on Ludhiana to Moga road. Two weapons have also been found in the van. Now, it is being verified if this is the same van that was looted from Ludhiana last night. No cash has been found inside the van.