New Delhi: In Chhattisgarh's Kondagaon district, the police have arrested four people, including his wife, for assaulting a husband and his alleged girlfriend and making them half-naked and parading them in the village, police said on Tuesday. Police officials said on Tuesday that the police have received information that on June 11, in Urindabeda village of the district, a woman became very angry after seeing her husband in a suspicious condition with a young woman and her along with the villagers beat up both of them fiercely.
The group then stripped the duo and paraded them through the locality, the official said.
He said that after getting information about the incident, a police team was sent to Urindabeda village for investigation. He said that on the basis of the statement of the victims, the police have registered a case and four villagers including the wife have been arrested. He said that the police is probing the matter.
A case was filed on the basis of victims' statements, under section 354 (assault or criminal force to woman to outrage her modesty) and other relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code, and four persons including the man's wife were also arrested.
Even before this, in Raipur, after a mining officer had an illicit relationship with another woman, his wife along with her daughter beat up her husband. Mining officer NK Sood's wife got the news of her husband having a relationship with another woman. The officer's wife called her daughter studying abroad, caught her husband red-handed, and beat up both of them. The officer's wife did not file a police report stating a family matter.