A woman was arrested in Bihar’s Saran district on Monday for allegedly chopping off the private part of her boyfriend. According to police, the accused claimed that she had been in a relationship with the victim, identified as Prakash alias Vikas Singh, for the last two years. Both of them were unmarried. The woman, a resident of Hajipur, is a doctor and was practising in Madhaura, while the man is a councillor in the area.
On Monday, they were supposed to register their marriage at the district court in Saran's Chapra.
However, at the last moment, the man backed out. Following this, the woman called Prakash to her house. There she attacked him and allegedly chopped off his private part, police said.
On hearing the man’s cry, the neighbours intervened and called the police. The gravely injured victim was rushed to a local hospital from where he was referred to a local hospital in Patna for treatment.
Currently, Prakash is undergoing treatment at Shrishti Hospital in Patna, police said. A case has been registered under the relevant sections against the accused and she has been arrested, they added.
In a similar incident last month, a case was registered against a woman in Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur after she allegedly attempted to chop off the private part of her husband following an argument.
As per a report by India Today, the woman attacked him while he was sleeping at night. The report said that initially, the victim did not mention the incident to anybody out of shame but decided to lodge a complaint with the police later.
A similar case also came to light in March when a woman in Bihar’s Buxar district allegedly slashed her boyfriend’s genital and dumped him on the road outside her house. The victim, identified as Anil Gond, survived the attack.