The CEO of an artificial intelligence start-up who was detained for allegedly murdering her four-year-old kid in a service flat in North Goa sought to commit suicide after the heinous act, police claimed on Tuesday, citing preliminary findings, news agency PTI reported. On Monday night, the accused, Suchana Seth, was apprehended by Goa police in Chitradurga, Karnataka. An official said she was transported to Goa on Tuesday and placed in police detention for six days by a court in Mapusa town.

According to a senior police officer, the 39-year-old entrepreneur smothered her son to death in a room at the Candolim service apartment where they checked in on January 6, and then attempted suicide by slashing her left wrist with a sharp weapon.

The motivation for the heinous murder was not immediately clear, although Seth informed police that she and her husband were separated and that divorce procedures were in the works.

"The blood stains that were found on a towel in the service apartment were due to the slashing of her wrist," he was quoted by PTI in its report.

According to authorities, after killing her kid, the start-up CEO packed the corpse in a bag and took a cab to Bengaluru on Monday.

The murder was discovered when the apartment's housekeeping staff went to clean the room where she stayed and saw blood traces on the towel, according to them.

The management of the service flat notified the Calangute police.

A police inspector called the cab driver, who was on his way to Bengaluru and had arrived in the Karnataka district of Chitradurga, and asked him to take the accused to the nearest police station. A Calangute police squad hurried to Chitradurga and got a transit remand for the culprit, who was then transported to Goa.

According to Seth's LinkedIn profile, she is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the start-up Mindful AI Lab and was named one of the top "100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics for 2021."

"The motive behind the killing is yet to be ascertained. We have got six days police custody of the accused and we will thoroughly interrogate her," the official said.

According to him, a Calangute police squad lead by Inspector Paresh Naik is now in Chitradurga awaiting a post-mortem on the child's body.

According to the official, Seth has been charged under Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections 302 (murder) and 201 (destruction of evidence), as well as the Goa Children's Act.

Nidhin Valsan, Superintendent of Police (North Goa), said the woman is from West Bengal and has been residing in Bengaluru, while her husband is from Kerala.

He is now in Jakarta (Indonesia) and has been told about the event, according to Valsan.