A father and his son were stabbed to death by a group of people in Gujarat's Ahmedabad city over bursting of crackers amid the festivities of Diwali, said the police on Monday. The incident took place at around 10 pm on Sunday when four people were quarelling with some people who were bursting firecrackers in a residential society in the city's Ramol locality, the official added, according to a PTI report. 

According to the first information report (FIR) filed in connection with the case, the accused fatally stabbed Vijay Shankar Banshilal (44), an autorickshaw driver during an altercation while also killing his 18-year-old son Dhirendra Singh. Banshilal's 17-year-old nephew was also injured when he tried to intervene during the attack, said an official from Ramol police station, as per the PTI report. 

The complaint registered by Banshilal's wife stated that the accused had entered a quarell with her brother-in-law, also an autorickshaw driver, a few days ago, he said.

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On Sunday night, upon hearing people shout outside, Banshilal, his wife, son, and nephew rushed out of their house when the accused started abusing them recalling the quarrel they had with their relative a few days ago, the official said.

He said that the quarell turned deadly when one of the accused, Deepak Marathi, stabbed Singh in the stomach. When Banshilal rushed to save his son from the attack, he too was stabbed four times by the others, he added. 

The victims were immediately taken to a government hospital in an ambulance where Banshilal and his son were declared dead, while the nephew was undergoing treatment, the official said, according to the report. 

One of the accused has been nabbed by the police and efforts are underway to to apprehend the other three, he said.