Chaos erupted in Jaipur’s Adarsh Nagar area on Thursday night when a speeding Thar ploughed into a Sikh community’s Kirtan Sabha near Panchvati Circle. The accident, which occurred around 8:30 PM, left an elderly man and a child injured, sparking outrage among the crowd.
The Sikh community had organised a Nagar Kirtan Sabha, with around 300 people participating in a procession from Transport Nagar Gurudwara to Rajapark Gurudwara, reported news website Aaj Tak. The kirtan took a horrifying turn when the Thar entered the area at high speed, hitting the elderly man and the child. Both were immediately rushed to a hospital, where they are undergoing treatment.
The accident led to panic and anger among those present. A video, now circulating online, shows the crowd vandalising the car in a fit of rage. Armed with sticks, people can be seen climbing the vehicle, breaking its windshields and windows, and smashing its body. Notably, the videos of the incident did not show a number plate on the vehicle.
A team of Rajasthan Police quickly arrived at the scene and intervened to control the situation and pacify the crowd. The Thar was seized and the driver was detained. The revelation of the identity of the driver was shocking because he was a minor and the son of a police constable. At the time of the incident, the car had four occupants, three of whom had fled the scene after the collision.
The Sikh community expressed outrage, staging a demonstration at the Adarsh Nagar police station and demanding strict action against the offenders.
As of now, the police are continuing their probe to identify the absconding individuals and determine how the underage driver got access to the vehicle.