Delhi Police has issued a traffic advisory as PM Narendra Modi is scheduled to inaugurate the 13-kilometre stretch of the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut Namo Bharat corridor, connecting Sahibabad and New Ashok Nagar.

This project, valued at approximately Rs 4,600 crore, marks Delhi's first Namo Bharat connectivity and is expected to significantly ease travel between Delhi and Meerut, benefiting millions of passengers.

As of now, only nine stations between Sahibabad and South Meerut across a 42-km section of the corridor are operational. Public services on the Namo Bharat trains will commence from 5 PM on January 5, with a train frequency of 15 minutes.

Where Will Traffic Be Affected?

The traffic restrictions on key roads include NH-9 and NH-24, stretching from Sarai Kale Khan to UP Gate on both carriageways. Additionally, Ghazipur Road from Kondli to Noida Link Road, and New Ashok Nagar Metro Station Road from Sarpanch Chowk to the Holiday Inn Red Light, will see significant traffic control measures, the Delhi Police said. The Ghazipur Nala Road, along with roads from Chilla Border to New Ashok Nagar Metro Station and Noida Link Road up to Akshardham Mandir, will also experience disruptions.

The restrictions will be in place from 7 am to 1 pm on Sunday.

Prime Minister Modi will also inaugurate a 2.8-kilometre stretch between Janakpuri and Krishna Park under Delhi Metro Phase-IV. This project, worth Rs 1,200 crore, is the first segment of Phase-IV to be launched. "This will be the first stretch of Delhi Metro Phase-IV to be inaugurated. The areas of West Delhi such as Krishna Park, parts of Vikaspuri, Janakpuri among others will be benefitted," the Prime Minister's Office stated.

PM Modi will lay the foundation stone for a state-of-the-art building for the Central Ayurveda Research Institute (CARI) in Rohini, New Delhi. The Rs 185 crore facility will house advanced healthcare and research infrastructure, including dedicated blocks for administration, outpatient and inpatient services, and treatment. 

Also Read: Namo Bharat Corridor: Travel From Delhi To Meerut In Just 40 Mins — Check Fares, Stations, Facilities, & More