Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday said the nature of incidents that took place in Bangladesh and Sambhal is the same as what Mughal emperor Babur's man did in Ayodhya 500 years ago. 

He said that the elements in the events that took place in Bangladesh and Uttar Pradesh's Sambhal are the same and they have made full arrangements to break the social unity. 

"Remember what Babur's man did in Ayodhya Kumbh 500 years ago. The same thing happened in Sambhal, and the same is happening in Bangladesh. The nature of the three and their DNA is the same," Adityanath said during the inauguration of the Ramayan Mela at Ram Katha Park in Ayodhya.  

"If someone believes that this is happening in Bangladesh, then the same elements are here too waiting to hand you over. They have made full arrangements to break the social unity. Some of the people talking about this are such who have property abroad. If a crisis happens here, they will run away and leave others here to die," he added. 

The Sambhal district in Uttar Pradesh was marred with violence over a court-ordered survey of the Shahi Jama Masjid in the town. In a petition, advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain claimed that the Mughal-era mosque was built on the site of the Harihar temple after which the court ordered a survey of the mosque premises. 

On November 24, when a team of surveyors went inside the mosque premises for a second survey, protestors clashed with the police leading to the death of four people while several others were injured. 

A delegation of Congress leaders including Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi was on its way to Sambhal but was stopped by Uttar Pradesh Police at the Ghazipur border in Ghaziabad on Wednesday and had to return, with Gandhi terming the action as "anti-constitutional".