A video featuring Congress MP from Saharanpur, Imran Masood, has surfaced, where he is seen expressing strong anger over the recent violence in Sambhal, Uttar Pradesh. Masood in the video accuses authorities of systematically targeting Muslims, stating, "If Muslims step out of their homes, the police kill them. If they stay indoors, they are dragged out and killed. What are Muslims supposed to do?"

Allegations of Planned Provocation

Referring to the events in Sambhal’s Shahi Jama Masjid, Masood said, "A survey was conducted peacefully earlier. But now, people are being deliberately sent to provoke violence. Slogans are raised, and when confrontations occur, the police open fire." He urged for restraint, warning, "Don’t burn this country. Hatred will lead us nowhere. We will all suffer in the fire of hate."

Criticism of Police Action

Masood slammed the police for excessive use of force, alleging that Muslims are treated as "dispensable". "Bullets pierced through their [Sambhal victims'] bodies. The police could have aimed at their legs to control stone-pelters or used lathis [batons]. But instead, they chose to fire directly."

He further questioned the justification for the police's actions, saying, "The posters released by the police show stone-pelters holding stones, not firearms. None of them seem to have weapons capable of causing such injuries. I have experience with shooting, and I know such bullets do not come from crude pistols."

Earlier, outside Parliament he said that surveys like the one previously ordered by a trial court at Sambhal's Shahi Jama Masjid ought to be reconsidered. "Otherwise, this could lead to discord between Hindus, Jains and Buddhists as well," Masood said.

Appeal for Fair Action

Masood called for accountability, stressing the need for proportionality in action against alleged offenders. He said, "If someone is involved in stone-pelting, arrest them and take strict measures. But shooting [to kill] them directly is unacceptable. If police can aim for the legs of hardened criminals, why can't they do the same for stone pelters?"

The Congress MP also highlighted the lack of focus on the plight of families affected by the violence. "There’s no discussion about those whose homes have been destroyed. The entire discourse is centered around stone-pelters," he said.

Masood’s remarks have sparked a fresh debate over the handling of communal violence in Uttar Pradesh and the alleged targeting of specific communities. His comments come amid growing concerns over the use of force by law enforcement and the deepening communal divide in the region.