Three individuals, including Trivendra Singh Panwar, the former president of the Uttarakhand Kranti Dal (UKD), lost their lives in a tragic accident involving a speeding truck near Natraj Chawk on Saturday night. The incident, which left the local community in shock, occurred as the victims were exiting a wedding reception and heading towards their car, police said.  

According to Rishikesh Kotwali sub-inspector Vinod Kumar, the speeding truck first hit several parked vehicles outside the resort before striking the victims. Gurjit Singh died on the spot, while Panwar and another injured person, Jatin, succumbed to their injuries at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Rishikesh, news agency PTI reported.  

Rishikesh Truck Accident: Driver Fled From Spot, Arrested Later

The truck driver fled the scene immediately after the accident but was apprehended by police on Monday morning, Kumar confirmed.  

The mishap caused chaos at Natraj Chawk, with a massive traffic jam as attendees of the wedding reception and onlookers rushed to assist.  

As per initial reports, the high-speed truck lost control, ploughing through the parked vehicles and individuals in the vicinity. While police have not released an exact count of the injured, the investigation into the incident is ongoing.  

Panwar, a veteran leader who played a key role in the Uttarakhand statehood movement, was a respected figure in the region. His death has sent waves of grief through the UKD and among his supporters.  

The Uttarakhand Kranti Dal described Panwar as a vocal advocate for the state’s development and regional issues. Police and administration officials have urged the public to remain calm and assured strict action against those responsible.  

This accident comes weeks after another major mishap. On November 12, six students died and one was injured after their SUV collided with a container truck at high speed in Dehradun.