As many as 163 trains operating between Delhi and Punjab have been cancelled on Monday due to a bandh called by the Kisan Mazdoor Morcha (KMM) and Samyukta Kisan Morcha (non-political) from 7 am to 4 pm.
The cancellation of trains also includes major services like Shatabdi and Vande Bharat Express running between Delhi and Punjab, according to information released late evening by the divisional railway offices of Ferozepur and Ambala, reported The Indian Express.
The bandh is also expected to affect passenger, express, and intercity trains impacting services in Punjab, Haryana, and Chandigarh. The impact of the disruption is likely to be felt in neighbouring states of Jammu Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh as several trains pass through this area.
Apart from the cancellation of 163 trains, 19 trains will be short-terminated, 15 trains will be short-originated, 15 trains will be delayed, and 9 trains will be regulated.
According to the office of the Divisional Railway Manager (DRM), Ferozepur, the regulated trains will be halted at stations equipped with basic amenities like tea, water, and refreshments to minimise inconvenience to passengers, the report added.
Help desk will be set up at stations to ensure passengers are well informed and continuous announcements will be made through the public address system. Instructions have been given to supervisors and commercial inspectors to remain at their headquarters to provide necessary assistance to passengers, the DRM Ferozepur office stated.
The passengers have been sent bulk messages regarding cancellations, short terminations, short origins, and diversions of the trains.
For an efficient process of refunds, additional ticket counters have been established at major stations.
Bus services will remain suspended in support of the bandh across Punjab for four hours from 10 am to 2 pm, announced Punjab Road Transport Corporation. Private bus operators, too announced their support declaring suspension of services across the state from 7 am to 4 pm on Monday, reported The Economic Times.
Traders, transporters, employees unions, toll plaza workers, labour, ex-servicemen, Sarpanches and teachers' unions, social and other bodies have also lent their support to the protest.