After a heated exchange recently unfolded with Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister and actor-turned-politician Pawan Kalyan taking issue with remarks made by Tamil actor Karthi regarding the iconic Tirupati laddu, the former ended the tension amicably by issuing a statement. In the tweet, Pawan Kalyan said that he made a statement against Karthi to make him understand that their responsibility as public figures was to foster unity and respect. Further, Pawan Kalyan wished Karthi for the successful release of his upcoming movie. 

Spat Between Pawan Kalyan & Karthi

On Monday, the controversy emerged after Karthi, while attending a film event in Hyderabad, made a light-hearted comment on the laddu, which quickly garnered attention.

When asked about a laddu at the event, Karthi responded with, "We don't want to discuss the laddu now, as it has become a sensitive topic." The offhand remark, although made in jest, did not go well with Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan, who swiftly responded with a strong message, urging members of the film fraternity to treat matters concerning spiritual and cultural traditions with greater respect.

Following the backlash, Karthi issued an apology, clarifying his stance and expressing reverence for Lord Venkateswara. He emphasised that his comment was not meant to offend and reaffirmed his devotion to the temple.

Pawan Kalyan Reacts

In a measured response posted on X, Pawan Kalyan acknowledged Karthi's apology, expressing his gratitude for the actor's quick and respectful response. "Dear @Karthi_Offl garu, I sincerely appreciate your kind gesture and swift response, as well as the respect you've shown towards our shared traditions. Matters concerning our sacred institutions, like Tirupati and its revered laddus, carry deep emotional weight for millions of devotees, and it’s essential for all of us to handle such topics with care," the Deputy CM remarked.

He went on to emphasise the responsibility that public figures like themselves hold in fostering unity and upholding cultural values, particularly when dealing with issues as sensitive as spiritual beliefs. Despite the initial tension, Pawan Kalyan ended on a positive note, complimenting Karthi's dedication and contributions to the film industry.

Further, he wished Karthi success for his upcoming movie "Meiyazhagan (aka) Sathayam Sundaram," produced by 2D Entertainment, run by Karthi’s brother Suriya and sister-in-law Jyothika.

Following this, actor Suriya Sivakumar commented, "Thank you for your heartfelt wishes sir!"