Yogi Adityanath-led Uttar Pradesh government on Wednesday, September 25, introduced the 'Dream Plots' scheme in Noida. The scheme is in line with the UP Chief Minister's commitment to transform Uttar Pradesh into ‘Uttam Pradesh' as a part of which the goverment is focused on developing the New Okhla Industrial Development Authority (Noida) into a dynamic urban center.
The 'Dream Plots' scheme is aimed at facilitating the establishment of both budget and star-category hotels in the Noida region.
Under the scheme, the plots will be allocated through an e-auction process in Sectors 93B, 105, 142, and 135. The reserve prices for the six plots, ranging 2,000 to 24,000 square meters, have been set between Rs 44.08 crore and Rs 410.70 crore.
Plots for budget hotels will be alloted in Sector 93B, Noida. Those interested can apply for two plots of 2000 square meters under Comm2 and Comm2A in Noida Sector 93B. The reserve price of each of these plots has been set at Rs 44.08 crore.
Additionally, hotel entrepreneurs, under the scheme, can also apply for another plot of 2090 square meters under Comm2B. The reserve price of this plot has been fixed at Rs 45.61 crore.
The UP government has also made provisions for the establishment of star hotels across three different categories.
Hotel entrepreneurs will be able to participate in the e-auction for plot SDC-H-2 in Sector 105, which spans 7,500 square meters. It has a reserve price of Rs 138.18 crore. Another plot in Sector 142, identified as plot number 11B, will be available for bidding for the construction of star category hotel. It has area of 5,200 square meters and its reserve price has been fixed at Rs 98.83 crore.
The sixth and largest plot under this scheme is plot H2 in Sector 135, spanning 24,000 square meters. It also has the highest reserve price at Rs 410.70 crore.
Overall, this scheme will enable the development of three budget hotels and three star-category hotels across different sectors.
The plots will allow hotel entrepreneurs to set up hotels across various star categories, which will expand Noida's hospitality infrastructure. All six plots offered under the 'Dream Plots' scheme are situated in prime locations. The state government will further advance the roadmap of the scheme during a pre-bid meeting, which is scheduled for October 10.
The applications will be accepted online starting from October 17, with the final deadline for submission set for November 9.