A petty dispute over the sitting arrangement during exams at a Mumbai school led to a student stabbing his classmates. The boy was then detained by the Mumbai police. The dispute began over who would sit where in the classroom of a school in the Sion Koliwada, Antop Hill, area of ​​Mumbai.

At the time, the Class 10 exams were going on in the school. The altercation between the students suddenly escalated into a fight, the accused student took out a knife from his bag and attacked two students in the classroom. The victims were seriously injured in the attack.

The teachers and staff, including the principal of the school, immediately admitted both the injured children to the hospital. The students are now undergoing treatment in the ICU. While one of the victims was stabbed in his belly, the other suffered back injuries.

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As soon as the information about this incident was received, Mumbai's Antop Hill Police reached the school and took the student who attacked his classmates and another boy into custody.

The Antop Hill police registered a case against the two minor students, took them into custody, and sent them to the juvenile home. According to the police, the students were appearing for their joint internal examinations. Both the accused were from Hindi medium.

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The school administration told the police that the accused student has a history of violence. He had previously fought with the schoolteachers and students. He was even suspended from the school.

However, since the Class 10 exams had started, he was permitted to appear for the exam. The police are now probing how the student managed to sneak in the knife in his bag and why did he bring such a weapon to the school.