The Haji Ali Dargah in Mumbai's Worli area received a bomb threat call at around 5 PM on Wednesday, September 25. Following this, the Mumbai Police has launched a probe and a case has been registered at the Tardeo police station against the unkown person.
According to Mumbai Police, the call was received at the Dargarh's Trust office. The caller introduced himself as Pawan. He used abusive language and made controversial statements about the Dargah, threatening to blow it up.
Thereafter, the administrative officer of Haji Ali Dargah complained about it to the nearest police station.
The bomb squad team and police station officer rushed to the Dargarh to investigate. However, nothing suspicious was found at the premises.
According to a report by the Indian Express, the caller also allegedly claimed that the land where the Dargah was built belonged to him. He also threatened to kill those who attempted to intervene. The administrative officer who received the call recorded the entire conversation and shared it with the police while lodging the complaint.
A case against the unknown person has been registered at Tardeo police station under relevant sections of creating public nuisance and hurting religious sentiments under sections 351(2), 352, 353(2), 353(3) of IPC 2023. The police believe the call was made to stir panic.
"We have the audio recording, and we also have the numbers from which the person called the complainant multiple times and threatened to explode the dargah," an officer told The Indian Express.
As per the report, the Mumbai crime branch is also investigating the matter. "We will scrutinise the call data record of the phone numbers to identify the suspect and we will soon take him in our custody to inquire the reason for making a threat call to the trust," another officer said.
Further investigation into the incident is underway.