A man allegedly died by suicide by jumping into a river flowing through the Varandha Ghat region of Maharashtra's Raigad district. Before he ended his life, he sent a message from his phone to his wife that he was committing suicide, along with the current location, Police said on Monday.

The incident took place on Sunday morning after a businessman Shrikant Vilas Deshmukh and his wife allegedly had a verbal spat at their home in the Dhankawadi city of Pune district.

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Following an argument, Deshmukh grabbed his car keys and drove nearly 75 kilometers to the outskirts of the city, reaching the Varandha Ghat area in Raigad district, which had recently experienced heavy rainfall.

“At a remote, hilly location in the Varandha Ghat, he stopped the vehicle and sent his current location on his wife's mobile with a terse message: ‘I am going to commit suicide', before going incommunicado,” Bhor Police Station Incharge, Inspector Anna Pawar told IANS.

Deshmukh Jumped Off From A Small Bridge: Police

Panicked by the suicide threat, Deshmukh's wife immediately contacted the local police, who forwarded the information to the Bhor Police Station. With time running out, officers quickly launched a search operation.

“We immediately formed a rescue party to trace Deshmukh and reached the location he had indicated to his wife, which was around 45 km from the police station. But he was not there, and after looking around, the search team walked for five more kms before they found his abandoned car,” Inspector Pawar stated.

The police enlisted the help of district officials and volunteers from the Bhoiraj Manda to assist in the search. They soon discovered that Deshmukh had jumped off a small bridge into a swollen river.

After several hours of searching downstream, police located Deshmukh's body in the river flowing through the Varandha Ghats. They successfully retrieved the body around 11 p.m. on Sunday. “Early today we brought the body to Bhor, sent it for an autopsy and handed it over to the family for the last rites later in the day,” Pawar reported.

Police have registered an accidental death report and are continuing their probe to determine the motives behind Deshmukh’s suicide. Initial inquiries suggest that the couple had a major argument at home, leading him to leave and ultimately end his life in Raigad district. Deshmukh is survived by his wife and two young daughters.