Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra: One person was injured after two men on a bike opened fire outside DMart in the Sanpada area of Navi Mumbai. DCP Navi Mumbai Crime Branch Amit Kale said, "Two bike-borne miscreants shot at the person around 9.30 am. The injured man is now stable. The matter is being investigated further."
As per news agency IANS, five rounds of bullets were fired at the man. Witnesses said they were alerted by the loud noise of the shots. The incident sparked panic in the area. The police are now reviewing the CCTV footage from the area. The identity of the man is not known as of now. The police are investigating why the man was targeted.
Cop Killed After Being Pushed Under Train
Earlier on Thursday, a police officer was fatally attacked and pushed in front of a moving train by two unknown suspects in Navi Mumbai, reported news agency PTI. The victim, identified as Vijay Ramesh Chavan, 42, was a Ghansoli resident, according to a representative from the Vashi railway police station.
The incident occurred early Wednesday morning, between 5:25 am and 5:35 am, on the railway stretch between Rabale and Ghansoli. Witnesses described the attackers as wearing white shirts. They assaulted Chavan with an unidentified object before forcing him onto the train tracks.
The motive for the crime remains unclear, and no arrests have been made so far. Authorities have registered a murder case and are conducting further investigations, the official added.
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