In a bizarre incident from Madhya Pradesh's Rewa district, former BJP MLA Shyamlal Dwivedi took it upon himself to catch a leopard that had been attacking locals in Khatilwar village. Armed with nothing more than a mosquito net, Dwivedi, accompanied by a group of people, ventured into the fields after expressing frustration over the authorities' failure to capture the animal.  

A video of the unusual attempt went viral, showing Dwivedi and others holding a mosquito net and moving toward the fields where the leopard had been sighted.  

According to Dwivedi, the leopard had attacked five people in recent days, leaving two critically injured. “Four of these people are from Madhya Pradesh and one is from Uttar Pradesh. A buffalo was also attacked by the leopard. It has become a man-eater,” he stated.  

Dwivedi further highlighted the growing fear among residents, who were hesitant to leave their homes due to the possibility of leopard attacks. To address this, he vowed to camp in the area if needed to ensure the animal's capture.  

"I am here to boost the morale of the people. I have spoken to the collector and top police officials about the leopard attacks. I urge them to pressurise the district administration to ensure that such incidents do not happen again," he said.

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When BJP MLA Shyamlal Dwivedi Turned Snake Charmer

This is not the first time Dwivedi has taken an unconventional approach to address local issues.

Last year, during the state government’s Vikas Yatra, a video of the then-Teonthar MLA turning a snake charmer went viral on social media.