Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav will undertake a six-day foreign tour to the United Kingdom and Germany from 24 to 30 November. The visit aims to attract global investment and elevate industrial development in the state, building on the success of four domestic roadshows and regional industry conclaves in cities such as Ujjain, Jabalpur, Gwalior, Sagar, and Rewa.
During the visit, Yadav will engage with representatives of industrial organisations and business leaders to promote investment opportunities in Madhya Pradesh, focusing on sectors like electric vehicles, renewable energy, education, and food processing.
Madhya Pradesh CM Mohan Yadav To Visit British Parliament On Nov 25
Yadav will leave for London on 24 November and arrive at 8 pm. On 25 November, he will visit the British Parliament in Westminster and redevelopment sites like King’s Cross. That evening, he will attend a dinner hosted by the NRI organisation "Friends of Madhya Pradesh," which is expected to be attended by over 400 NRIs.
On 26 November, Yadav will interact with the High Commissioner of India to the UK, Vikram K. Doraiswami, over breakfast, followed by an interactive session with approximately 120 participants to discuss investment opportunities in Madhya Pradesh. He will also participate in roundtable meetings and one-to-one discussions with industrialists.
On 27 November, Yadav will visit Warwick University to meet with the Dean, faculty, and researchers from the Warwick Manufacturing Group. Later that day, he will depart for Germany, landing in Munich at 8:20 pm.
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Madhya Pradesh CM Mohan Yadav To Attend Key Events In Germany
In Germany, Yadav will attend key events in Munich and Stuttgart from 28 to 29 November. On the morning of 28 November, he will hold talks with leaders of Bavaria’s state government and meet the Consul General of India in Munich. He will also visit SFC Energy and attend a luncheon hosted by the Baerlocher Group.
A major highlight will be an interactive session on investment opportunities in Madhya Pradesh, attended by representatives from the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce, CII, Invest India, and the Consul General of India. This session, along with subsequent one-to-one meetings, will involve about 80 participants.
In Stuttgart on 29 November, Yadav will tour the LAPP Group’s factory and engage in a roundtable meeting with 20 industry representatives. He will also visit the State Museum of Natural History, known for its extensive collection of fossils and dinosaur remains, before departing for Frankfurt. Yadav will return to India on the evening of 30 November.