In a heart-breaking incident, four members of a family were found to be dead in a rented house in Karnataka's Bengaluru. The incident happened in RMV 2nd Stage, which is located within the Sadashivanagar Police Station limits.

Talking to ANI, Bengaluru Central DCP, Shekhar H Tekkanvar said, "We have got information that 4 persons of a particular family were found dead in the Sadashivanagara PS limits. Based on that our inspector, ACP and I visited the spot and it was found that two adults and two children were found dead. They are all family members, husband and wife hung themselves...Our crime teams have been at the spot and they are conducting a detailed search. Further details will be updated."

A report from Deccan Herald stated that the victims include Anup Kumar, 38, Rakhi, 35, their five-year-old daughter, and two-year-old son. It is been reporetd that they were found dead by their housemaid on Monday morning, police said. According to the initial information, the family hailed from Uttar Pradesh’s Allahabad, and Anup Kumar was reportedly working as a software consultant in a private firm in Bengaluru.

The bodies were discovered in the house under unexplained circumstances. Police believe that the tragedy happened on Sunday night, but they are yet to ascertain the cause and confirm their suspicion. 

Shekhar H Tekkannavar, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Central), also said that the Forensic Science Laboratory and Scene of Crime officers are conducting a thorough search at the house for any leads or death notes.