A member of the notorious Rashid Bala gang, Sonu Matka alias Anil, has been shot dead in a shootout with the police. Sonu Matka was shot dead in an operation conducted by a joint team of the Delhi Police Special Cell and the Uttar Pradesh Police's Special Task Force (STF). Sonu was wanted in the Farsh Bazaar murder case, wherein a man and his nephew were shot dead on October 31.

Jain (52) was killed at Shahdara’s Farsh Bazar on December 7 while returning home on his scooter from a morning walk.

Sonu Matka, who was also part of the Hashim Baba gang, was injured during an encounter at the TP Nagar police station in the Meerut district during the shootout and was taken to the hospital where he died. He carried a bounty of Rs 50,000. A 30-bore pistol, a 32 bore pistol, 10 live cartridges and a bike have been recovered from Sonu.

In October, he committed a double murder in Delhi wherein he killed Akash alias Chhotu (40) and his nephew Rishabh (16) in the Bihari Colony of Farsh Bazar police station area in ​​Shahdara, Delhi. A minor was also present with Matka at the time of the murder. Chhotu and his nephew were standing outside the house and celebrating Diwali when Matka and his juvenile aide reached there on a scooter. First, the duo touched Akash's feet and then shot him. After that, Rishabh was also shot dead.

The double murder in Delhi caused a huge sensation. The police got the CCTV footage in which the incident was recorded. The Delhi Police registered a case and started looking for Sonu Matka. A few days later, Delhi Police caught Sonu Matka's close associate Ajay alias Vijay alias Babu. When was asked about Sonu, Ajay blurted out that Sonu was living in Meerut with a false identity.

A team of Delhi Police soon reached Meerut, where it was found that he was living in Apex City housing society under the name of Deepak Jat, but the police could not find him. The police, working on a tip, surrounded him on Saturday morning. Sonu was killed in the firing.