Five people were injured after a vehicle in Uttar Pradesh Minister and Nishad Party chief Sanjay Nishad's convoy overturned into a ditch in Uttar Pradesh's Ballia. Nishad said five party workers, including four women, were injured in the accident near Januan village in the Khejuri Police Station area on Tuesday night.

"I was travelling with the convoy to attend the Constitutional Rights Yatra organised by the party on Tuesday night when the incident occurred. Near Januan village in the Khejuri area, one of the vehicles following the convoy lost control while trying to avoid an animal and overturned into a ditch," he was quoted as saying by news agency PTI.

Those injured in the accident have been identified as Rakesh Nishad, Ramrati, Usha, Geeta and Iravati Nishad. Senior police and administrative officials rushed to the spot. All the injured have been admitted to the district hospital for treatment.