A woman in Bengaluru, Karnataka, intentionally destroyed a Pookalam, a traditional floral arrangement made by children to celebrate Onam in her residential complex. The incident, captured on video, has since gone viral on social media, sparking widespread outrage.

In the video, the woman, identified as Simi Nair, is seen arguing with fellow residents, questioning why the flower arrangement was placed in a common area instead of individual apartments. A resident explained that the lobby is a shared space, but Nair proceeded to trample on and destroy the intricate floral design.

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The viral video, shared on X (formerly Twitter), was captioned: "That was truly shameless behaviour! Simi Nair, a resident of Monarch Serenity Apartment Complex in Bengaluru, deliberately destroyed a Pookalam created by children in the common area to celebrate Onam. This act not only shows a lack of respect for traditions and the children's efforts but also undermines the sense of community that events like Onam are meant to foster."

The post further explained the significance of the Pookalam, describing it as a colourful, intricate flower design laid on the ground, similar to rangoli. The word "Pookalam" is derived from the Malayalam words "poov," meaning flower, and "kalam," meaning design on the ground. It is a central tradition during Kerala’s Onam festival.

Viral Video Sparks Social Media Outrage

As the video circulated online, it sparked widespread condemnation, with many expressing disappointment over Nair's actions.

One user commented: "Where is our education? At this age, she cannot be happy and won't let others be happy either. Soft, beautiful flowers and a pleasant smell all around, how could someone do this? Oh God, save this mother."

Another user said: "She could have politely raised the issue with the RWA at an appropriate time. Vandalising the decoration is unacceptable. She should apologise."

A third person remarked: "I feel pity for her in-laws, husband, and children—how do they deal with such a woman? May God give them the strength to bear her behaviour."