Another case of reckless driving has surfaced from Mumbai's Bandra in Maharashtra, where a rashly driven Porsche crashed into a parking lot for bikes. The CCTV footage of the accident has emerged, which shows the Porsche crashing into a row of parked bikes in Bandra on Saturday. The incident occurred at 2:40 AM along the footpath near Sadhu Vaswani Chowk.

No one was injured in the incident. A case has been registered against Dhruv Nalin Gupta, the 19-year-old son of a businessman, for careless driving.

An officer said that there were five people in that car, including a woman. He said that Gupta's blood sample was sent to the forensics department for alcohol detection and further investigation. "On receiving the report, it will be clear whether the car was being driven under the influence of alcohol or if it happened due to carelessness," the officer said.

Bandra Hit-And-Run Case

Earlier on Friday, a 25-year-old model was killed in the Bandra area in a hit-and-run incident. A water tanker allegedly hit a bike at high speed, which resulted in the death of the model, identified as Shivani Singh. The driver fled the spot after the accident.

The Bandra Police registered a case against an unknown person and has launched a manhunt for the tanker driver. The police said that the water tanker crashed into the motorcycle and the driver fled immediately after the incident. The deceased, Shivani Singh, was a resident of Malad.

The police further said that Shivani and her friend had just got onto Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Road in Bandra on a motorcycle around 8 PM when the tanker hit them at high speed. Shivani jumped off the two-wheeler but came under the wheel of the tanker, resulting in fatal injuries. She was taken to the nearby Bhabha Hospital, where the doctors declared her dead.