The Karnataka High Court on Monday rejected a plea seeking to quash the FIR against Nikita Singhania in connection with the suicide of Bengaluru-based automobile company employee Atul Subhash. Atul Subhash had committed suicide allegedly due to harassment and the demand for Rs 3 crore for a divorce settlement by his wife, Nikita Singhania. The single bench, headed by Justice S.R. Krishna Kumar, passed the order orally.
The bench, disapproving of the demand made by Atul Subhash’s wife, stated, “The FIR gives out everything to book the case under abetment of suicide. What more can the bench look into?”, news agency IANS reported. The judge continued, “The prima facie ingredients of the offence are made out in the complaint. Why don’t you want the investigation to happen?”
The court rejected the argument made by Nikita Singhania’s counsel, who claimed that no ingredients were made out in the complaint for the FIR to be registered.
The counsel had further contended that the deceased, Atul Subhash, had not mentioned any act by his wife or her family members that led him to commit suicide. The court, however, issued notices to the respondents and directed them to file objections, IANS reported. It also instructed the prosecution to submit materials collected during the investigation.
On 4 January, a Bengaluru court granted bail to Nikita Singhania, her mother Nisha Singhania, and brother-in-law Anurag Singhania, who were accused in the case. The FIR, registered on 9 December under Sections 108 and 3(5) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), followed a complaint filed by Atul’s brother, Bikas Kumar, who accused the family of abetting Atul’s suicide.
Bikas Kumar alleged in his complaint that false cases were lodged against Atul by the accused, and they demanded Rs 3 crore to settle the divorce. He also claimed that his brother was taunted in court during proceedings, with suggestions that he either pay Rs 3 crore or commit suicide. The family of Atul Subhash has indicated their intention to appeal against the bail order in the Karnataka High Court once they obtain the order sheet.
Atul Subhash’s Father Says Grandson Admitted To Boarding School In Faridabad, Terms It ‘Illegal’
Meanwhile, Pawan Kumar Modi, Atul Subhash’s father, expressed deep concern for the safety of his grandson. He stated, “Bail is part of the legal process, but she should not have been granted bail. I am worried about my grandson, where he is, and whether he is safe. Bengaluru police have informed us that he is in a boarding school in Faridabad.”
Pawan Modi emphasised that his concern for the child’s safety was paramount, claiming that the child’s admission into a school in Faridabad was “illegal” and the father’s name was not listed. Instead, Nikita’s photograph was placed in place of the father’s.
He further accused Nikita of using her child to extract money, stating, “She has no love for the child. She has made him a means to get money. It has come to our knowledge that his admission to a school was illegal as it happened within three years, and the father’s name was not included. Instead, her photo was placed in place of his father’s.” Modi continued, “Nikita has always used the child as a weapon for financial gain. Even the bail she received was based on the child.”
Pawan Modi has appealed to the President and Prime Minister for the custody of his grandson, saying, “The Supreme Court has ordered that the child must be produced. My plea to the President and Prime Minister is that we should be given custody of our grandson. If he stays with her, he will be called the son of a criminal. But if he stays with us, he will be called the son of a martyr. She will continue to use him like a weapon if he remains with her.”