Ahead of upcoming Delhi Assembly Elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed BJP's Parivartan rally on Sunday and took a potshot at Aam Aadmi Party's government in Delhi and said that only BJP can develop Delhi, and the current govt is nothing less than 'aapda (disaster)' in last 10 years.
The PM, while speaking at the rally in Rohini, added that he is confident that BJP will win Delhi Assembly Elections, and only BJP can give Delhi the status of the best capital city in the world.
Commenting on Delhi's transport system and civic issues within the city, PM Modi said "The 'AAP-DA' people have left no stone unturned in destroying Delhi's transport system. These people are not paying any attention to the maintenance of buses. The common citizens of Delhi have suffered the loss...Look at the condition they have created. When summer comes in Delhi, there is a fight for drinking water, when it rains, there is waterlogging, and when winter comes, it is difficult to breathe in polluted air. The energy of the people of Delhi is being spent in dealing with 'AAP-DA' people 365 days a year. Therefore, only when the 'AAP-DA' is removed from Delhi, the double engine of development and good governance will come. The 'AAP-DA' government is not even implementing the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana properly here, it is creating hurdles in building permanent houses for the poor. In Delhi, about 30,000 houses built under old schemes are lying vacant. AAP people did not allot these houses to the people of Delhi..."
PM Modi also said that the previous year, the BJP government at the centre gave Rs 75,000 crores for the security, health and other development projects. He added that Delhi needs the kind of development which makes it a model of urban development in the world and, this can only happen when the central and state governments of BJP work for Delhi.
Appealing the people of Delhi to give an opportunity to BJP for the bright future of Delhi, PM Modi said, "It is BJP which can develop Delhi".