A day after posting the controversial job posting for Chief of Staff, Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal announced on Thursday through another post on X (Formerly Twitter) that the listing had attracted over 18,000 applications. He also clarified that the Rs 20 lakh fee mentioned was a screening method and would not be enforced.
"We have closed applications for my chief of staff role. We have received more than 18,000 applications," Goyal wrote on X. He further mentioned that the company will spend the next week reviewing applications to identify candidates who align with their vision of creating a "learning organisation."
Additionally, in an unexpected move, Goyal shared screenshots of private messages revealing that the fee was never intended to be collected. "Between you and me, we will not eventually ask for 20 lacs, and pay the right person anyway," he wrote in a message to a Twitter user.
The job posting, which initially required candidates to pay Rs 20 lakh and work without salary for a year, sparked criticism from industry leaders as well, including industrialist and Chairperson of the RPG Group Harsh Goenka, who called it "potentially exploitative."
Responding to the backlash, Goyal clarified, "This wasn't just another hiring post. As some people pointed out, the 'you have to pay us 20 lacs' was merely a filter, to find people who had the power to appreciate the opportunity of a fast track career."
The company plans to reject most applications focused on money. "We are going to find genuine intent and learning mindset from the sea of applications we have received," Goyal stated.
Concluding his update, Goyal stressed that this was a one-time experiment. "Something like this can only be pulled off once in the world. I really hope that 'pay the company to get a job' doesn't become a norm in this world – that's not cool. Money is an essential thing to keep people's lives running, and I believe in paying more than market rate,” he added.
The chosen candidate will work across Zomato's portfolio, including Blinkit, District, Hyperpure, and Feeding India.
Also Read: Deepinder Goyal's Unique Zomato 'Job Offer' Stuns All: 'You Will Have To Pay Rs 20 Lakh For...'
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