Tesla Layoffs: A Tesla employee who dedicated 12 hours daily to his work and had been with the electric vehicle company for the past 5 years expressed shock and disbelief after being laid off. The employee, who worked as a production supervisor at Elon Musk's Tesla, shared his experience of working diligently and efficiently throughout his tenure. He emphasised that his role demanded a high level of commitment and productivity. 

Given his status as a salaried employee, he often worked beyond the standard 12-hour shifts to ensure his tasks were completed effectively. Despite his hard work and dedication, the unexpected layoff left him stunned.

"I worked really hard while I was at Tesla and wanted to be as efficient and productive as possible. My shifts at Tesla were long, normally lasting around 12 hours. As I was working a salaried job, I sometimes needed to stay even longer to get things done," the former Tesla employee told Business Insider.

The man further said that in 2021, he chose to sleep inside his car to minimise travel time. His coworkers were taken aback when they discovered he used his vehicle as a makeshift sleeping quarters.

"I just felt like I needed more time to sleep — the job felt like being an industrial athlete because we were constantly moving. I needed more rest to be productive, efficient, and friendly at work. I decided it would be easier to stay at the factory and cut out my hour-and-a-half commute. My coworkers were surprised when I told them I was sleeping in my car - it definitely turned heads as it wasn't normalised in the culture," he added.

The man stated that losing his job at Tesla taught him the crucial lesson of quickly pivoting in life. 

The ex-employee said, "Working at Tesla taught me that you have to pivot quickly in life. You can't dwell on things or complain because that doesn't get you anywhere. When I found out I'd been laid off, it felt like a grief moment. I was in disbelief. As I sat in my car outside the factory, it began to settle in. It hit me that I'd spent five years here, bonding with coworkers and camping in this parking lot.”

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