Tamil Nadu Minister for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, MRK Panneerselvam, unveiled the agriculture Budget for the fiscal year 2024-25 during a session at the Assembly on Tuesday. Highlighting the importance of enhancing soil fertility, he introduced several new initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable agricultural practices.
In his address, Minister Panneerselvam said the detrimental effects of excessive use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides, which have contributed to a decline in soil fertility across the region. To address this pressing issue, he announced the launch of a comprehensive program titled the 'Chief Minister’s Mannuyir Kaathu Mannuyir Kaappom Scheme' (CM MK MKS), with a Budget of Rs 206 crore for the fiscal year 2024-2025. This flagship scheme comprises 22 components focused on safeguarding soil fertility and promoting chemical-free farming practices.
Among the key initiatives outlined in the Budget speech were measures to reduce the reliance on chemical fertilizers in paddy cultivation and strategies to empower rural communities to combat climate change effectively. Additionally, Minister Panneerselvam unveiled plans for seed distribution to promote the cultivation of traditional paddy varieties known for their potential health benefits, particularly in managing diabetes.
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Furthermore, the Budget allocated Rs 65.30 crore for the cultivation of millet crops, with a primary objective of enhancing yield and promoting their cultivation among farmers across the state. These initiatives underscore the government's commitment to fostering sustainable agricultural practices and ensuring the well-being of farmers and rural communities in Tamil Nadu.
Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu Finance Minister Thangam Thennarasu tabled the state Budget for the fiscal year 2024-25 on Monday, highlighting the fulfillment of the "7 grand Tamil dream" with a significant emphasis on social justice and women's welfare. During the presentation of the Budget, Thennarasu delineated a range of initiatives aimed at meeting the developmental objectives of the state.
A notable highlight is the unveiling of the "Kalaignarin Kanavu Illam" housing scheme, which pays homage to the late DMK leader and former Chief Minister M Karunanidhi. This initiative aims to construct 8 lakh concrete houses in rural areas of the state by 2030, with the primary goal of eradicating hut dwellings.