SEBI said, "In the interest of investors and for ease of transacting in securities market, the client shall be allowed to open an account with intermediaries and transact in the securities market as soon as the KYC process is completed."
Clients whose record attributes cannot be verified won't be permitted to continue trading in the securities market until the attributes are verified, the circular said. Adding verified records will offer portability, meaning clients won't need to repeat the KYC process when working with different intermediaries. The intermediaries can retrieve validated records from the KRA database.
SEBI directed KRAs to collaborate in creating mechanisms and consistent internal guidelines for identifying attributes and verification procedures. This collaboration should occur under SEBI's guidance.
"Further, the systems of intermediaries and the KRAs shall be integrated to facilitate seamless movement of documents/information to and from the intermediary to the KRAs for verification/validation of attributes under risk management framework," SEBI said.