New Delhi: As Russia’s military operations in Ukarine entered second month, it has been reported that Russia’s central bank governor Elvira Nabiullina had wanted to resign after President Vladimir Putin ordered an invasion.

The governor stepped back only after the President asked her to continue, according to the sources of Bloomberg, who had knowledge of the discussions.

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Nabiullina has been currenly nominated for a new five-year term last week. With the Ukraine invasion, the governor now has to manage the economy impacted most due to the ongoing conflict and recover whatever has been accomplished in the nine years since she took office.

Nabiullina, 58, didn’t respond to her reappointment and or any query to the news agency.

So far, one senior official has resigned over Russia-Ukraine conflict. Economic reformer Anatoly Chubais has stepped down as Putin’s climate envoy this week and left the country, according to sources.

Nabiullina is seen as investors’ favourite and praised by publications including Euromoney and The Banker as one of the world’s best monetary policymakers. She has a tough job to handle, a wartime economy isolated by international sanctions and starved for investment as foreign companies leave the country.

The central bank governor has more than doubled the key interest rate and imposed capital controls to control the cash outflow, according to Bloomberg.  The central bank said it gave up interventions to defend the ruble after international restrictions froze more than half of its $643 billion in reserves.